Halloween Heating Tips for Homeowners


Know what’s even scarier than spooky Halloween happenings? The monstrously high heating bills that materialize when the weather turns beastly. Here are some treats and tips you can use to keep your home warm and cozy this season:


Replace Air Filters To Keep Your Furnace Working Efficiently

Check your furnace’s air filter monthly during the winter and replaced it at least once during the season. A dirty air filter restricts airflow, preventing the warm air from efficiently circulating throughout your home and making it feel cooler than you would like. It can also cause the motor in your furnace to become overworked and to burn up, meaning repair or replacement, possibly of your whole HVAC system. A clean air filter is also important to keep dust, debris, and other allergens out of your home as well.

Have Your HVAC System Inspected And Cleaned Yearly

Before winter weather sets in schedule a thorough inspection and cleaning of your system by a trained HVAC professional. An inspection will ensure that your system is in good working order and ready to keep you and your family warm when the wind howls outside. It will also reveal any repairs that may need to be made prior to your furnace being put into use for the season.


Don’t Be Afraid To Put Your Fireplace And Space Heaters To Use

Occasionally, turn down the thermostat, build a cozy fire and curl up with your favorite blanket, a great book, or just for a nap. You can also use a space heater for the smaller or less-frequently used areas in your home rather than turning up the thermostat. A space heater is perfect for areas like basements or guestrooms.


Close Off Air Vents In Unused Areas

Close off the air vents in unused bedrooms, attics, and basements, or even on entire floors of your home that are not frequently used (consider using space heaters in these areas when heat is needed) so that the heat is redirected to the other, more frequently used areas of your home.


Use Window Treatments To Insulate

Lined drapes and insulating shades are the perfect window treatments to help keep cold weather outside where it belongs and to keep your rooms toasty warm. On warmer, sunny days the drapes and shades can be opened to allow the sunlight in to help heat your home and to make rooms cheerful and bright.


Install A Programmable Thermostat

By installing a programmable thermostat, you can be assured that the temperature in your home will always be just right, day or night, without having to be manually reset. Set it to turn the temperature down during the day when no one is home and to turn it up later so that everyone arrives home to enjoy the warmth and comfort.

Use Carpets To Insulate Floors

In the same way that insulation prevents cold air from coming through walls and ceilings, carpeting and area rugs do the same for your floors, keeping cold air from radiating up and chilling the room. If you have beautiful wood flooring that you wouldn’t dream of desecrating by installing carpeting, consider using area rugs to help insulate rooms during the winter months.


Use Ceiling Fans To Circulate Heat

Everyone thinks of ceiling fans as a way to keep rooms cool in the summertime, but they are also quite handy at distributing heat and keeping rooms warm during the cooler months. Set your ceiling fans on reverse and they will distribute heat throughout the room without cooling the air down.


Keep Air Vents Clean And Unblocked

Wipe down the heating duct and air vent grates regularly to remove dust and to keep the air flowing throughout your home freely, keeping you and your loved ones nice and warm. Make sure no vents are blocked by furniture, drapes, carpeting, etc., as well. Arrange sofas, chairs, and beds in a way that puts them near the airways without restricting airflow for maximum warmth and comfort.


Catch Drafts From Tricky Spots

Cold air can creep in from places you might not think about. Around attic doors, particularly the type with a hatch opening in your ceiling and outside entrances to your basement, including old coal chutes, are two prime examples. Permanently seal coal chutes that are no longer in use and cover unused basement entrances with plastic weatherproofing sheets. If the basement entrances or the attic hatch are used during the winter, place a covering over them that can be easily removed and replaced as needed to allow access while keeping cold air out when they are not being used.

We here at Pickerington Heating & Cooling are always available to provide you with advice, information, and the best possible service from our trained HVAC technicians to keep your home comfortable in any weather and your HVAC system working at its best.


Give us a call at 614-837-4026 or visit our website at pickheat.com.


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