How to Hack Your HVAC for a Great Night’s Sleep

We all know the importance of a good night’s sleep. The National Sleep Foundation says that adults should get a solid seven or eight hours per night. One little interruption or a bit of discomfort can blow the whole program for some of us.

If you’re having trouble sleeping, or are looking at improving your sleep experience, look no further than your home’s HVAC system to do the trick.

A little too warm, too dry or too humid, or no air circulating in your bedroom can make a huge difference. Let’s examine some things we can easily adjust to see what works best, leaving you feeling refreshed in the morning.

Stay Cool

Apparently, your body temperature drops as your body relaxes and prepares to fall asleep. To help with that part of the process, it’s helpful if your bedroom is cool. The NSF says the optimal room temperature for sleep is between 60 and 67 degrees F.

Obviously, achieving that temperature is relatively easy during the winter. An added benefit is you’ll save on heating costs. That is more than offset by the cost of getting your home cooled down during hot summer nights. Instead, you should look into fans to keep the air circulating.

An alternative, especially in a larger home, is to check out zone-control AC systems, which allow you to set different temperatures in different rooms or sections of the house. If you can drop the temperature in just your bedroom, you’ll be able to keep it comfortable without spending to cool the rest of the house at night.

It’s Not the Heat, It’s the Humidity…

You know the feeling, when the moisture in your bedroom is too high. The air can feel extra sticky and thick, making it more difficult to breathe and relax. Excess humidity can also attract insects and possibly promote growth of mold, which aggravate any sort of allergy or asthma symptom and diminish the quality of your sleep.

A room that’s too dry can make your throat and sinuses feel scratchy and cracked. Not exactly the perfect solution for a good night’s sleep. It’s important to get the humidity level optimized for the best night’s sleep.

You can measure the humidity level in your bedroom with an inexpensive digital hygrometer. The optimal range is around 40 to 50 percent. If it’s too low, you can use a standalone humidifier in your room to raise the moisture level; if it’s too high, you can use a dehumidifier to get the percentage in line.

Life is a Breeze

Once you optimize the humidity level, look into the benefits of using a fan. Ceiling fans create a nice downdraft on your skin all night, resulting in a cool and comfortable night’s sleep. A ceiling fan will keep the air fresh by circulating it around the room, which many people find makes it easier to breathe.

Another hidden benefit of using a fan: “white noise.” The hum of the fan running can be pretty soothing. White noise can help you fall asleep and stay asleep by muffling nighttime noise that might wake you up otherwise.

Want to learn how zone controlled cooling, humidity controls and fans can make your home more comfortable for more restful sleep, contact Pickerington Heating & Cooling. Call (614) 837-4026 or use our contact form.


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